Whose Birthday Party Is CooL?

This year Bobby and Nini do not celebrate their birthdays on July 4th together, because neither was born on July 4th. Bobby wants a very cool party for himself. How do they celebrate their birthdays? Whose party is cool?

Level: Novice               Author: Pu-mei Leng

ISBN 9781946982445



About The Author

Pu-mei Leng

Pu-mei Leng

Pu-mei Leng started to teach Chinese as a second language since she was an undergraduate student. She has taught different age groups, including children in summer schools, college students, professionals and adults. She became a Chinese language teacher in secondary schools in 2005. She has presented in national and regional conferences and was a coach at NTPR.

This year Bobby and Nini do not celebrate their birthdays on July 4th together, because neither was born on July 4th. Bobby wants a very cool party for himself. How do they celebrate their birthdays? Whose party is cool?

Level: Novice               Author: Pu-mei Leng

ISBN 9781946982445


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